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《中英對照讀新聞》Man refuses £2m lottery win 男子拒領2百萬英鎊樂透彩金

2007/09/25 06:00

◎ 羅彥傑

A German pensioner who won £2 million on the lottery refused the cash because he didn’t know what to do with it.


The 70-year-old man from Hameln, Lower Saxony, went to the HQ of the German lottery association in Hanover last week after finding out about his win and told them he did not want the money.


He reportedly said: "What would I do with so much money? My wife has already passed away, my parents are dead, I have no children and no other relatives. I don’t want it."


He said he had only bought the lottery ticket out of a habit because his late wife had been a passionate player.


Lottery officials said they were trying to persuade him to keep the money.



find out:片語,找出、發現或查明。例句:I don’t know, but I will find out for you.(我不知道,但我會為你查明此事。)

pass away:片語,原指消逝、離去。此為去世的婉轉說法。例句:He passed away peacefully this morning.(他在今晨安詳地與世長辭。)

persuade:動詞,說服。例句:They persuaded me to go with them.(他們說服了我和他們一起走。)

passionate:形容詞,熱情的、熱此不疲的。例句:He was very passionate in his likes and dislikes.(他的好惡愛憎非常強烈。)

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