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《中英對照讀新聞》Mystery!Horror!A U.S. supermarket tabloid calls it quit神秘啊!恐怖啊!一份美國超市小型報停刊

2007/08/17 06:00


An angel of death has visited Earth! Aliens have pulled off an abduction! A mystery ailment has claimed a victim! Such screaming headlines from the Weekly World News -- the U.S.tabloid that for 28 years has chronicled sightings of Elvis, extraterrestrial activity and the exploits of Bat Boy -- will soon be no more. Its publisher said it would put out its last issue in August, maintaining only a Web presence.


The tabloid’s publisher, American Media Inc., issued a brief statement that announced the Aug. 27 issue would be Weekly World News’ last. It called the closure necessary "due to the challenges in the retail and wholesale magazine marketplace that have impacted the newsstand."


For all the headlines WWN has penned it has also made headlines of its own. During a nation-wide anthrax scare in 2001, AMI’s office in Boca Raton, Florida, was targeted and a photo editor was killed.



calls it quits:片語,停止做某事。例句:A numbers of celebrations have called it quits due to bad weather.(由於天候不佳,幾項慶祝活動都停辦了。)

pull off something:片語,成功完成某件難事或始料未及之事。例句:He won 5 consecutive rounds of the singing contest and pulled off the biggest reward.(他在歌唱比賽中連續贏了5回合,奪得最大獎。)

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