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中英對照讀新聞》Emperor’s aide in hot water for Olympic, virus comment 日本天皇助理因奧運與病毒相關評論而惹禍上身

2021/10/15 05:30



Shock waves are reverberating over concerns attributed to Emperor Naruhito by his key aide about the wisdom of the government’s decision to host the Tokyo Olympics in July while the novel coronavirus pandemic is raging.


The issue goes to the heart of the role the emperor plays in postwar Japan. As the symbol of the state, the emperor, like monarchs everywhere, has only a limited role, such as attending important ceremonial functions. It is strictly taboo for the emperor to comment publicly on government policy.


But Yasuhiko Nishimura, grand steward of the Imperial Household Agency, stirred up a hornet’s nest by inferring at a June 24 news conference that Naruhito is deeply concerned about holding the Olympics while Japan continues to battle the pandemic.



in hot water:慣用語,陷入困境;惹上麻煩。例句:He found himself in hot water for making remarks on controversial issues. (他發現自己因就爭議性議題發言而惹上麻煩。)

attribute to:慣用語,歸因於。

stir up a hornet’s nest:慣用語,惹禍上身,引發騷動,捅馬蜂窩。stir up:片語,攪動,煽動;hornet,名詞,大黃蜂。例句:The politician’s careless remark stirred up a hornet’s nest among victims’ families.(這名政治人物的隨意發言在罹難者家屬間引發譁然。)

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