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中英對照讀新聞》A cruise ship pulls the plug on its first post-pandemic voyage/一艘遊輪對其首趟後武肺大流行的海上之旅喊卡

2020/11/27 05:30



The SeaDream 1, a ship that had aspired to be a model for a safe return to cruising in the pandemic era, cut short its Caribbean voyage Friday because several passengers tested positive for the coronavirus.


The ship originally set sail Nov. 7 for a weeklong cruise, but it returned to its home port of Barbados sooner than planned after at least seven passengers tested positive, the SeaDream Yacht Club said in a statement.


For now, all 53 passengers are confined to the ship and waiting to be tested again. SeaDream Yacht Club has put in a request with the Barbados government for the passengers to disembark.



pull the plug on something:慣用語,終止,結束,制止。例句:Chinese President Xi Jinping personally decided to pull the plug on Ant Group’s $37-billion initial public offering, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing Chinese officials with the knowledge of the matter.(華爾街日報週四引述知情中國官員的話報導,中國國家主席習近平親自決定對螞蟻集團價值370億美元的首次公開上市喊卡。)

cut short:慣用語,提早結束(正在進行的事情)。例句:The president is cutting short an overseas visit and returning home to deal with the disaster.(總統正提前結束海外訪問,以便返國處理災情。)

be confined to:片語動詞,局限於。

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