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中英對照讀新聞》Britain starts training dogs to detect new coronavirus 英國開始訓練狗來偵測新型冠狀病毒

2020/05/25 05:30

英國開始實驗訓練嗅探犬,聞出武肺病毒的味道。(翻攝自Medical Detection Dogs臉書)


Canines have been used for decades to sniff out drugs, bombs, corpses and even cancer.


Now, a team of British researches are hoping dogs’ keen sense of smell can help detect COVID-19, CNN reports.


The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is working with specially trained dogs to develop a new kind of coronavirus test, one that doesn’t require a swab, but just a sniff.


The organization recently discovered canines can detect Malaria infections in humans and they are investigating whether the same is true for COVID-19.


The training began in March and researchers are eyeing six weeks as enough to determine if the dogs are up to snuff.


If the tests go well, these "super sniffers" could be deployed to screen up to 250 people per hour for the virus.


Researchers said the dogs could be used at airports and other public areas in the future to help prevent another outbreak once the current pandemic declines.



canine:名詞、形容詞,犬、狗(的)。例句:The fox is a canine animal。(狐狸是犬科動物。)

keen:形容詞,敏銳的;敏捷的。例句:The blind have a keen sense of touch. (盲人有敏銳的觸覺。)

be up to:片語,從事,勝任。例句:He is quite up to his job. (他很能勝任他的工作。)

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