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《中英對照讀新聞》New Zealand plans to fill volcano with human waste 紐西蘭打算用人類廢棄物填火山

2007/04/29 06:00


New Zealand has come up with a new idea for getting rid of tons of human waste without having to create new landfills.


Auckland plans on filling one of its many extinct volcanoes with sewage. Watercare Services has signed a $25 million, 30-year deal with Puketutu Island owners to dump 61 tons of biosolids produced by the Mangere treatment plant each week.


Not to worry though, the dried human waste will be cleaned and treated before being dumped on a side of the volcanic island that has been desolate in the past 50 years.


Auckland University volcano-ologist Ian Smith said Aucklanders need not be concerned that they would be showered in "biosolids" in the event of an eruption.



come up with (an idea):想到、突發奇想。例句︰I came up with a good idea to make money. (我突然想到一個賺錢的好點子。)

get rid of:除去。例句︰The citizens tried to get rid of their corrupt mayor in the recent election. (市民在最近的選舉中,試圖讓貪污的市長下台。)

desolate:形容詞,荒蕪的;無人煙的。例句︰We saw few houses in the desolate valley. (在這荒涼的山谷裡,很少見到房子。)

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