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《中英對照讀新聞》China piano smugglers face the music 中國的鋼琴走私犯受罰

2007/04/20 06:00


A Shanghai piano smuggling ring is suspected of dodging taxes to the tune of 10 million yuan ($1.29 million) in the sale of thousands of instruments.


Shanghai customs seized eight smuggled pianos and traced them to 11 companies and 12 individuals, the China Daily said.


In a followup raid, police discovered a cache of nearly 5,000 unsold pianos. The smugglers allegedly made tens of millions of yuan selling the contraband.


"Customs officials said the smugglers had probably managed to dodge some 10 million yuan worth of taxes and seriously disrupted the piano market in Shanghai," the paper said.


Shanghai piano dealers had noticed that second-hand pianos from abroad with low marked prices had been dominating the market "leading customs to suspect that the whole industry was in collusion with smugglers," the paper said.



face the music:遭受批評或懲罰。由於本文論及鋼琴走私,故此片語有一語雙關之妙。例句:When the missing money was noticed, he chose to disappear rather than face the music.(當有人注意到這筆錢不見了時,他選擇消失逃避而非面對懲罰。)

to the tune of:總計達…/到…的程度。tune,名詞,曲調,旋律。作者應是為配合本文的主題而刻意使用此語,而未使用意思相同的to the sum of 或 to the extent of。例句:Merck loses Vioxx retrial to the tune of $47.5 million.(默克藥廠在止痛消炎藥「偉克適」的重審官司中敗訴,判賠4750萬美元)。

yuan:名詞,貨幣單位「元」之音譯,由於案例發生於中國,故特別加上「人民幣」以示區別。各種貨幣之英文各有不同,如人民幣為RMB (即Renminbi),日圓是yen(符號¥),歐元是euro(符號€),英鎊是pound(符號£);$符號基本上專指美元。

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