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《中英對照讀新聞》New Jersey workers hit jackpot in closed casino 新澤西工人在關閉的賭場內發現寶藏

2007/04/10 06:00


Workers clearing out slot machines from an old casino in New Jersey got an unexpected surprise when they discovered more than 17,000 dollars in loose change had fallen under the machines.


The Sands casino in Atlantic City closed in November to make way for a new mega-casino. And while workers removing the old slot machines expected to find the odd quarter, everyone was surprised by the final haul of 17,193.34 dollars.


The booty -- which included coins, tokens and even a 100 dollar bill -- was found under and between the more than 2,000 machines and was mostly covered in years of dust and grime, The Press of Atlantic City reported.


"Keep in mind that some of those machines had not been moved in the 26 years that the Sands was in operation," Kim Townsend, from Pinnacle Atlantic City, the company that now owns the casino, told the newspaper.


Unfortunately for the workers, the casino operator does not believe in "finders keepers." The company will keep the lion’s share, with the state of New Jersey taking an eight percent cut of the loot in gaming tax.



hit the jackpot:片語,中大獎(頭彩),有時也可以用來形容獲致成功。After ten years of endless search for the missing treasure, they finally hit the jackpot.(十年不停的尋找後,他們終於交了好運找到失落的寶藏。)

the lion’s share:本來是指獅子總是可以獨佔獵物,後來引申為最好、最大的一部分。You have got the lion’s share.(你佔盡便宜了。)

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