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《中英對照讀新聞》Brain waves of concertgoers sync up at shows 音樂會表演期間,觀眾的腦波會同步

2018/04/02 06:00



When people watch live music together, their brains waves synchronize, and this brain bonding is linked with having a better time. The new findings, reported March 27 at a Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting, are a reminder that humans are social creatures.


Study participants were split into groups of 20 and experienced music in one of three ways. Some watched a live concert with a large audience, some watched a recording of the concert with a large audience, and some watched the recording with only a few other people. Each person wore EEG caps, headwear covered with electrodes that measure the collective behavior of the brain’s nerve cells. The musicians played an original song they wrote for the study.


The delta brain waves of audience members who watched the music live were more synchronized than those of people in the other two groups. Delta brain waves fall in a frequency range that roughly corresponds to the beat of the music, suggesting that beat drives the synchronicity, said neuroscientist Molly Henry of Western University in London, Canada. The more synchronized a particular audience member was with others, the more he or she reported feeling connected to the performers and enjoying the show.



synchronize:動詞,同步。例句:The film does not synchronize with sound.(這部電影的畫面和聲音不同步。)

social:形容詞,社會的、社會性的、社交的、群居的。例句:Music is a way to have social participation.(音樂是一種社會參與的方式。)

electroencephalography(EEG):名詞,腦波圖、腦電圖。例句:Delta waves are oscillations that predominate in the 1- to 4-Hz range and are commonly referred to as slow wave activity in the EEG.(δ波的主要振盪頻率範圍落在1赫茲至4赫茲之間,在腦電圖中一般被稱為慢波活動。)

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