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《中英對照讀新聞》Prisoner posts himself to freedom 囚犯郵寄自己,逃獄成功

2007/02/18 06:00

A convicted fraudster escaped from a high security jail in Germany after climbing into a cardboard box and posting himself to freedom.


Max Friedener, 28, escaped from prison in Darmstadt after hiding in the box in the mailroom. He escaped from the mail van as it was driving away.


The escape was only noticed when the mail truck arrived at the sorting depot and the hole in the box was spotted.


It is the second time a convict has earned a ticket to ride by using the mail system. Only last month a convict in neighbouring Austria escaped from Graz prison by posting himself out in a large box that was supposed to contain lamppost parts. Both escapees are still at large.



convict:(經審訊)證明…有罪。convict亦可做名詞,意為(服刑的)囚犯。例句:The convicts complained bitterly about prison conditions. (囚犯們對監獄內的狀況表達強烈不滿。)

van:有蓋小貨車;廂型客貨兩用車。例句:(Furniture is usually 家具通常用貨車搬運。)

be supposed to:應該做(某事)。例句:Everyone is supposed to do something good for the society.(每個人都應該做些有益社會的事。)

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