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《中英對照讀新聞》Teen’s Service Dog Gets Photo In Yearbook 少年的服務犬登上年度紀念冊

2017/08/30 06:00

(圖擷取自diana bloom推特)


A high school in Fredericksburg, Virginia has done something truly paw-some. Alpha, a 4-year-old service dog who attends school every day with his human, Andrew "A.J." Schalk, had his own photo in Stafford High School’s 2017 yearbook.


A.J., who has Type 1 diabetes, said that Alpha’s job is to let him know when his blood sugar is getting too high or low by giving him a paw. "Alpha alerts me through smell, 20 to 40 minutes sooner than I know anything is wrong," the 16-year-old said. "He has saved my life multiple times, especially at night, when low blood sugar can be super dangerous."


Last year, A.J. began bringing Alpha to school with him. It became such a regular thing that the school issued the Labrador retriever his own ID. This school year, Alpha accompanied A.J. to school every day. Because of this, A.J. felt his pup deserved a spot in the high school year book.


"I brought it up to the teachers and they were 100 percent supportive," A.J. said. On picture day, Alpha accompanied his human to take his photo. Once A.J. was done, the photographer simply moved the camera over and took a shot of Alpha. "All they had to do was lower the camera and took the picture just like for anyone else!" he said.



paw-some (pawsome):形容詞,指(動物)棒呆了、酷斃了!意思與awesome相同,但只用在與毛小孩或動物有關。

bring up:提出。例句:She brought up many problems at the meeting.(她在會議中提出許多問題。)

move over:挪動一下。例句:There’s room for two if you move over.(若你挪過去一點,這兒就可容納兩個人了。)

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