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《中英對照讀新聞》South Korea president calls on China’s Xi to do more on North Korea nuclear program-南韓總統呼籲中國國家主席習近平在遏止北韓核子計畫上有更多作為

2017/06/25 06:00



In an interview with Reuters ahead of his trip to Washington next week for a summit with U.S. President Donald Trump, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said ’strong’ sanctions should be imposed if North Korea tests an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) or conducts a sixth nuclear test.


The comments mark the toughest warning yet by the liberal former human rights lawyer, who was elected in May. "I believe China is making efforts to stop North Korea from making additional provocations, yet there are no tangible results as of yet," Moon told Reuters at the Blue House.


"China is North Korea’s only ally and China is the country that provides the most economic assistance to North Korea," Moon said. "Without the assistance of China, sanctions won’t be effective at all."


“Maybe President Trump believes that there is more room for China to engage North Korea and it seems that he is urging China to do more. I can also sympathize with that message,” Moon said.



tangible:形容詞,有形的、可觸及的。The scheme will bring tangible economic benefits to the area.(該計畫將為此地區帶來實際的經濟效益。)

as of yet:副詞,到現在為止。The report remains unfinished as of yet.(該報告迄今尚未完成。)

sympathize with:動詞片語,贊成、感同身受。I sympathize with the general aims of the group, but on this issue I disagree.(我支持該團體的大目標,但我在這個議題上有異議。)

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