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《中英對照讀新聞》The animal that stows its tongue in its rib cage 把舌頭藏在胸腔裡的動物

2006/12/15 06:00


Bats use the earth’s magnetic field to navigate and one species has a huge tongue that is longer than its entire body, researchers said.


In two separate studies, scientists in the United States have revealed unusual characteristics of the winged mammal.


Richard Holland of Princeton University in New Jersey showed the homing devices of big brown bats can be altered by artificially shifting the Earth’s magnetic field, indicating the animals depend on a magnetic compass to travel.


By rotating the magnetic field by 90 degrees clockwise and anticlockwise in relation to magnetic north and tracking the bats’ attempts to fly home, the scientists found they flew in the wrong direction compared to other bats not exposed to the changes, who flew directly home.


In another study Nathan Muchhala, of the University of Miami, taught the nectar bat Anoura fistulata to drink from a modified straw to measure its 85 millimeter tongue, which is 1.5 times longer than its body.

邁阿密大學學者穆卻赫拉在另一項研究中指出,他們引導長舌蝠Anoura fistulata使用一種修改過的麥管吸食,以測量牠那長85公釐的舌頭。牠的舌頭比身體還長1.5倍。

The bat, which stows its lengthy tongue in its rib cage, pollinates a plant with tubes of the same length. Muchhala suggests the extreme length of the bat’s tongue coevolved with the flowers of the plant.



navigate:航行、導航。例句︰He navigated the ship unharmed through troubled waters.(他安全地將船開過危險海域。)

homing:導引(能力),如︰homing ability,(動物)找到方向的能力。

coevolve:來自於evolve,演化;co-代表共同、一起。例句︰Supplies coevolve with demands.(供給隨需求而變。)

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