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《中英對照讀新聞》Birthday cake but no Putin for France’s Chirac 法國總統席哈克的生日有蛋糕沒普廷

2006/12/05 06:00


French President Jacques Chirac got a birthday cake from his Latvian host but no surprise visit from Russian President Vladimir Putin to mark his 74th birthday.


President Vaira Vike-Freiberga had a Latvian soldier present the veteran French leader with a white-iced cake covered with red roses -- the colours of the Latvian flag -- when he arrived at what will almost certainly be his last NATO summit.


Putin caused a diplomatic frenzy by offering to drop in on the former Soviet republic after the summit to congratulate Chirac, a political ally, on his birthday.


Putin was not invited to the summit and the move was seen by some diplomats as a bid to upstage the U.S.-led defence alliance and cause mischief in the Baltic states,which no Russian leader has visited since they won independence from Moscow in 1991.



NATO: 專有名稱,North Atlantic Treaty Organization,北大西洋公約組織,簡稱北約或北約組織,總部設於比利時布魯賽爾,宗旨為會員國之間的軍事防禦合作。

drop in:片語,順道訪問。其他與drop有關的片語還有,drop me a line,給我寫信;drop by,短暫停留。例句:Just drop me at the front door of that shop; I want to buy some gorceries on my way home.(請在那家店的正門口讓我下車,我想回家順路買點雜貨。)

make(cause) mischief:挑撥離間,製造麻煩。例句:she's just trying to make mischief.(她只是想試圖製造麻煩。)

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