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《中英對照讀新聞》Hong Kong mulls green"eco"coffins 香港考慮使用「環保」棺材

2006/12/02 06:00

◎ 俞智敏

They're presentable, environmentally friendly and burn faster:cardboard "eco-coffins" may just be the solution to long queues at Hong Kong's busy crematoriums, officials say.


Health officials want to introduce the green coffins -- made of corrugated cardboard and said to speed up the cremation process from two and a half hours to an hour -- to alleviate traffic at crematoriums.


"With less time required for each session, we can arrange more sessions per day to cut queuing time for cremation," said permanent secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Carrie Yau in a statement. "That in turn will help ease the demand on our public mortuary."


Cremating the dead is more common and affordable than burials in land-scarce Hong Kong.


Although the cardboard coffins are more efficient and are said to produce less toxic gas during combustion, they aren't likely to be popular in Hong Kong, where skimping on the traditional Chinese rituals of sending the dead away is seen as a sign of disrespect.



queue:名詞,指人或車的行列、長隊,如︰The queue extended all the way to the street corner.(排隊的人龍一直排到了街角。)插隊為jump the queue(主要為英式英語),如︰Don't jumpt the queue!╱No queue-jumping!(不要插隊!)

alleviate:減輕、緩和,如︰Her sympathy alleviated his distress.(她的同情和緩了他的沮喪。)

crematorium:火葬場、垃圾焚化場,複數可加s或用crematoria。火化遺體的動詞為cremate,名詞為cremation,如︰His father's cremation was a sad affair.(他父親的火化儀式令人感傷。)

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