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《中英對照》World’s most expensive cigar 世界最貴的雪茄菸

2006/11/10 06:00


It’s the world’s most expensive cigar -- $440 each and it only comes in boxes of 40 -- but is it the best? Nobody knows because no one has smoked one.


The Cuban havanas from the Cohiba brand are so precious that no one has actually lit one yet, although the blend was tested by a group of tasters before the cigar went into hand-made production, according to Norma Fernandez, the cigar-roller.


The cigar was launched in Spain by Altadis, the exclusive importer of Cuban cigars into Spain.


When they say "hand-made," they mean it. In this case there were only two hands involved and they both belong to Norma -- she rolled all 4,000 cigars in the strictly limited edition.


The Cohiba "Behike" can only be bought in special humidors -- $18,860 for the 40 cigars. A lot of money. But maybe not for someone who can appreciate this delicate blend of the world’s most selected tobacco leaves. Either way, just like the cheapest old stogie, it’ll be up in smoke.



limited edition︰限量版、限定版。

go (be) up in smoke︰(計畫或夢想)煙消雲散、化為烏有;(房屋)燒光。All his dreams went up in smoke.他所有的夢想都化為烏有。

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