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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Cold snap expected over next few days: CWA

2024/01/21 03:00

Chickens are pictured in Tainan yesterday at a farm that has heaters and windproofing. Photo courtesy of the Tainan Agricultural Bureau

/ Staff Writer, with CNA

Sporadic showers, high winds and a drop in the mercury are expected across Taiwan over the next few days, as a cold front approaches, the Central Weather Administration (CWA) said yesterday.

In northern Taiwan, the temperature dropped slightly during the day yesterday, with highs of about 20°C to 21°C, but by

nighttime, the mercury fell to 16°C, the CWA said.

Central and southern areas of the country saw a sharp drop in temperatures, with daytime highs of 24°C to 28°C and nighttime lows of 17°C to 19°C, it said.

The approaching weather front is also to bring high winds to open coastal regions, from Taoyuan to Tainan, as well as to the outlying Green Island (綠島), Orchid Island (Lanyu, 蘭嶼) and Penghu County, it added.

Temperatures today are to continue to drop, and by Tuesday and Wednesday the mercury is to plummet to lows of 7°C to 9°C in areas north of Tainan and 9°C to 12°C in other parts of the country, the CWA has forecast.

Former CWA Weather Forecast Center director Daniel Wu (吳德榮), who is now an adjunct associate professor of atmospheric sciences at National Central University, said the weather would become increasingly colder from today to Thursday, with some low-lying areas experiencing lows of about 5°C.

The CWA has forecast snow at elevations above 1,000m in northern Taiwan on Monday and above 2,500m in central, southern and eastern areas on Tuesday. Icy roads and rime ice could also be expected in the areas of snowfall, the agency said.

Tomorrow and Tuesday, rain is also forecast for northern, central, and eastern regions as well as mountainous areas in the south, the CWA said.


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