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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Police to increase reward for tip-offs on illegal guns

2023/08/04 03:00

Firearms are displayed in an undated photograph. Photo: Chung Li-hua, Taipei Times

By Chung Li-hua and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The National Police Agency (NPA) is to boost its reward for reporting illegal guns to NT$12,000 from the previous amount of NT$2,000 to NT$4,000.

The agency declared the changes in a preview of amendments in connection with the Controlling Guns, Ammunition and Knives Act (槍砲彈藥刀械管制條例) posted on the Ministry of the Interior’s Web site.

Metallic replica guns modified to shoot bullets would no longer be considered a separate class of weapons from other privately made illegal firearms, it said.

The regulations offer higher rewards for “standard” firearms, a term referring to guns that are made by corporate or state entities.

The reward for giving tips leading to the confiscation of a handgun is to be increased from NT$60,000 to NT$70,000, the NPA said.

References to “light machine guns” in the regulations would be changed to “standard machine guns,” and the reward for clues leading to such weapons would remain at NT$100,000 per gun, it said.

The reward for information leading to seizure of a standard submachine or automatic rifle would be NT$80,000 per gun, the NPA said.

The reward is to be NT$70,000 per carbine for information leading to semi-automatic or bolt-action rifles, NT$30,000 per shotgun and NT$10,000 per hand grenade, it said.

Rewards are to be paid in full only if the information leads to the confiscation of a gun and the discovery of its origins, the agency said, adding that tips leading to the seizure of 10 or more guns would be rewarded on a case-by-case basis.

The reward for reporting an illegal gun factory or workshop would be NT$10,000 to NT$500,000 depending on the number of guns and types of industrial equipment, it said.


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