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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Taxis have room to improve: survey

2023/04/02 03:00

A taxi and a scooter rider drive in Taipei on Friday.  Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

FARES RISE: 55.2 percent of people said they would take taxis less frequently after the price hike, while 42.8 percent said it would not affect their habits, a poll showed

/ Staff writer, with CNA

Passengers gave taxi services in the six biggest cities an average score of 65.5 out of 100, a survey released on Friday showed.

Among surveyed taxi users in Taipei, New Taipei City, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung, 51.3 percent of respondents scored the quality of comprehensive taxi services from 61 to 80 points, while 26.3 percent gave scores of 60 or below, which the National Taxi Industry Development Association survey defined as “failing.”

Among the respondents in Taipei and New Taipei City, where fares were raised yesterday, 36.6 percent said the fare hike was reasonable, while 35.5 percent said it was unreasonable.

Meanwhile, 55.2 percent of those surveyed in Taipei and New Taipei City said they would take taxis less frequently following the fare hike, with 2 percent responding that they would take taxis more and 42.8 percent stating that their habits would not change.

Taiwan’s taxi sector continued to grow despite adverse conditions, National Taxi Industry Development Association chairman Lin Chen-lun (林振崙) said, adding that the results of the survey indicated there was plenty of room for improvement.

Regarding the comfort and cleanliness of taxis, 39.6 percent of respondents said they were satisfied, while 39.4 percent said they were satisfied with safety, the association said.

However, 42.8 percent and 36.4 percent respectively said the caliber of the drivers and the condition of the vehicles could be improved.

The survey also found there to be a strong consensus on safety issues.

Of all respondents, 84.2 percent said taxi drivers should have a police criminal record certificate, and 84.3 percent said monitors should be installed in taxis to avoid controversies or misunderstandings between drivers and passengers, it said.

Those who disagreed with the idea of a monitor objected on privacy grounds, as recorded videos could be used for other purposes and infringe on passengers’ privacy, the association said.

The outcome of the survey also reflects how habits have changed with technological development, as people who book taxis using apps accounted for 56.5 percent of respondents, while those who prefer to hail a taxi on the street or book one by telephone accounted for 21.3 percent and 21.1 percent respectively, the survey showed.

The survey collected 1,118 valid online questionnaires from March 8 to March 20. It had a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

The starting fare for taxi journeys in Taipei, New Taipei City and Keelung was yesterday increased from NT$70 to NT$85, and from NT$90 to NT$105 between 11pm and 6am, while the NT$5 extra fee when the vehicle is stationary has been changed from one count per 80 seconds to one count per 60 seconds.


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