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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Higher electricity prices take effect

2023/04/01 03:00

A woman gets into a taxi in Taipei in an undated photograph. Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

/ Staff writer, with CNA

A range of new pricing schemes, charging standards and subsidies take effect this month, including increased electricity prices, taxi fares in Taipei and New Taipei City, and tobacco tax.

Taiwan Power Co (Taipower) said that the price of electricity would from today be raised by 11 percent on average, but about 93 percent of households, or those that use less than 700 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month, would not be affected.

About 84 percent of small stores, or those that use less than 1,500kWh per month, would also be exempt from the price increase, it said.

The starting fare for daytime taxi trips in Taipei and New Taipei City was increased to NT$85 from NT$70, as well as to NT$105 from NT$90 for trips between 11pm and 6am.

The extra fare for when the taxi is stationary was raised to NT$5 per minute from NT$5 per 80 seconds.

With the revised Tobacco and Alcohol Tax Act (菸酒稅法) taking effect, tobacco products other than cigarettes, cut tobacco and cigars would be subject to an additional tax of NT$1,590 per kilogram or per 1,000 units, whichever is the highest.

From Tuesday, childbirth subsidies in Taipei would be increased by NT$20,000, resulting in subsidies for a couple’s first child of NT$40,000, NT$45,000 for their second child and NT$50,000 for any additional children.

To be eligible for the subsidy, at least one parent must be registered in Taipei and they must have lived in Taipei, New Taipei City or Keelung for 10 straight months, the Taipei City Government said.

From today, the Directorate-General of Highways offers subsidies of NT$1,200 to about 2,000 people who attend scooter driving school.

The subsidized courses would teach students how to perform two-stage left turns, change lanes, give way and other skills.

The period people can ride YouBike rental bicycles in Taoyuan for free would be extended to one hour from 30 minutes, or a maximum distance of 10km from 5km, the Taoyuan Transportation Department said.

The department said that the number of YouBike users is expected to increase 15 percent to 1.9 million people this year, adding that it promotes a YouBike tour as part of Taiwan’s efforts to boost cycling tourism.


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