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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Culture ministry drafting rules to foil ticket scalping

2023/03/21 03:00

K-pop girl group, Blackpink, is pictured in an undated promotional photograph. Photo courtesy of Live Nation

/ Staff writer, with CNA

Minister of Culture Shih Che (史哲) yesterday said his ministry is drafting an amendment to stop scalpers who use online purchasing algorithms to buy tickets in bulk and resell them at exorbitant prices.

In a radio interview, Shih said the Ministry of Culture is working on revising the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act (文化創意產業發展法) and expects to complete it this or early next month.

His comments came after local fans of K-pop girl group Blackpink complained about difficulties finding tickets to the group’s concerts in Kaohsiung due to scalpers.

The ministry would impose heavy penalties on people who use online purchasing algorithms to buy large numbers of tickets and resell them at inflated prices, Shih said.

While scalping and the use of algorithms to buy tickets in bulk are not covered by the cultural and creative act, they are mentioned in the Social Order Maintenance Act (社會秩序維護法), which stipulates a fine of up to NT$18,000 for buying transportation or entertainment tickets with no intention of using them and reselling them for profit.

On Wednesday last week, several Democratic Progressive Party lawmakers called for revising the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act to include punishments for scalping to protect the rights and interests of the public.

The current fine is too low and is not enough to curb scalping, they added, after a person was recently caught by police selling an NT$8,800 ticket to a Blackpink concert for NT$36,000.

The two concerts held at the Kaohsiung National Stadium performed by Blackpink on Saturday and Sunday drew more than 90,000 spectators.


Minister of Culture Shih Che, right, speaks in an interview with Hit FM host Clara Chou in Taipei yesterday. Photo: screen grab from Hit FM radio livestream

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