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《TAIPEI TIMES》MAC criticizes Beijing for cross-strait interference

2023/02/12 03:00

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia, left, meets with Chinese Communist Party politburo member Wang Huning in Beijing on Friday. Photo courtesy of the KMT

‘UNITED FRONT’ TACTICS: The council said that China should seek constructive solutions to cross-strait issues, after a KMT delegation met with senior Chinese officials

By Chung Li-hua and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) on Friday criticized Beijing for sowing discontent, after Chinese state media reported on a meeting earlier that afternoon between a top Chinese official and a Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) delegation.

Chinese state-run Xinhua news agency reported that KMT Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia (夏立言), who is in China leading a delegation on post-COVID-19 pandemic cross-strait flights and exchanges, met with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) politburo member Wang Huning (王滬寧) in Beijing the same day.

Wang has been assigned by Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) the task of developing ways to achieve the “peaceful unification” of China and Taiwan.

Wang is expected to take over as the chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference at the next session of the conference next month.

Wang is also expected to take over as deputy head of the CCP’s group responsible for China’s Taiwan policy and the “united front” efforts aimed at fostering unification.

In its report, Xinhua cited Wang as saying that “Taiwan independence is incompatible with peace, and runs counter to the well-being of Taiwan compatriots.”

Wang said he encouraged “Taiwan compatriots to participate in the process of China’s modernization and national rejuvenation.”

Wang called on the KMT to work with the CCP to “further consolidate the common political foundation of adhering to the 1992 consensus, oppose Taiwan independence, deepen mutual trust, strengthen exchanges and cooperation, and resolutely oppose interference by external forces.”

During his meeting with Wang, Hsia said the people of China and Taiwan share common ancestors, and said he hoped that the CCP and the KMT would continue to adhere to the “1992 consensus,” and enhance mutual trust and cooperation.

The “1992 consensus,” a term former MAC chairman Su Chi (蘇起) in 2006 admitted making up in 2000, refers to a tacit understanding between the KMT and the Chinese government that both sides of the Taiwan Strait acknowledge there is “one China,” with each side having its own interpretation of what “China” means.

The MAC said Beijing must seek more constructive, meaningful and pragmatic solutions to cross-strait differences, rather than employing “united front” tactics aimed at causing rifts in Taiwanese society, where the idea of unification is not popular.

Beijing’s continued political, military and economic coercion against Taiwan runs counter to the well-being of Taiwanese, and jeopardizes regional peace, it said.

“We believe that authoritarian expansion is incompatible with democracy, peace and stability. This is a fact recognized by the world, and it is also the main reason why the international community actively interacts with Taiwan,” it said.

“Cross-strait exchanges and interactions should be based on rational equality and mutual respect,” it added.

Taiwanese insist on safeguarding national sovereignty, peace across the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan’s future, it said, adding that this stance was not negotiable.

“Beijing has repeatedly engaged in political manipulation and interference in cross-strait exchanges. We call on Beijing to abandon its coercive actions against Taiwan and seek true peace across the Taiwan Strait,” it said.


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