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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Taiwan’s isolation deprives world of expertise: Wu

2022/10/23 03:00

Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu yesterday gives a speech at an International Organizations Day event in Taipei. Photo: CNA

VALUABLE OFFERINGS: Persistent misrepresentation of UN Resolution 2758 denies national achievements Taiwan should be proud of, the foreign affairs minister said

By Yang Chen-yu and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writer

Taiwan’s international isolation due to China’s obstruction has deprived the world of the nation’s expertise and contributions toward resolving urgent global problems, Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) said yesterday.

He made the comment at the first edition of “Stronger Together: International Organization Day,” an event showcasing Taiwan’s involvement in global endeavors, held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the 111-year-old Taipei Guest House, a national landmark.

The event’s theme of “stronger together” underscores the diplomatic work conducted by the 20 participating agencies, organizations and entities, and Taiwan’s efforts to help other countries meet UN Sustainable Development Goals, Wu said at the event.

Taiwan is a mature democracy, reliable partner, responsible actor and a force for good that has been making meaningful and valuable contributions to the global community, he said, adding that the country’s foreign aid and diplomatic efforts are achievements the whole nation can be proud of.

The country participates in 69 international organizations, including 44 that formally recognize its membership, Wu said, before calling on countries with common interests and values to make use of Taiwanese expertise in economics, agriculture and fisheries.

Beijing continues to oppose Taiwan’s bid to obtain membership in international groups, having “persistently misrepresented UN Resolution 2758 as a spurious excuse” to bar the country from UN recognition, Wu said, citing Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO and the International Civil Aviation Organization.

China’s actions have “obstructed efforts by Taiwan to share its expertise and offer help in solving urgent global problems,” he said. “We thank our diplomatic allies and people from around the world for supporting Taiwan. We will continue to work with allies and like-minded partners to advance the values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.”

Taiwan has been deprived by its diplomatic isolation of the benefits conferred on members of the UN and other international groups, Nauruan Ambassador to Taiwan Jarden Kephas said.

As a vigorous, prosperous and peaceful nation, Taiwan is projected to become the 20th-largest national economy in the world, which means the country should prepare to take leadership in global issues, he said.

“Taiwan already is an indispensable member of the international community,” he said, citing US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s comment that losing Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (台積電) would have a devastating impact on the global economy.


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