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《TAIPEI TIMES》EP resolution expresses solidarity with Taiwan

2022/09/16 03:00

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday delivers a speech during a European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg, France. Photo: AFP

By Kayleigh Madjar / Staff writer, with CNA

The European Parliament yesterday adopted a non binding pro-Taiwan resolution calling for strengthened EU relations with Taiwan and condemning recent Chinese aggression with 424 votes in favor, 14 against and 46 abstentions. In its 26 items, the resolution also calls on EU countries to follow Lithuania’s example and establish representatives offices in Taiwan, and urges the commission to look into forming a bilateral investment agreement.

In the document, the European Parliament expressed its firm solidarity with the people of Taiwan, and also applauded the "measured and responsible" reaction of Taiwan’s authorities and political leaders to the provocation of the People’s Republic of China.

It also recommended increased economic, scientific, cultural and political interaction between the EU and Taiwan.

This was the seventh pro-Taiwan resolution or report the European Parliament has passed in 2022.


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