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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Taipei lottery aims to prod people to get married in 2022

2022/03/02 03:00

Taipei Deputy Mayor Vivian Huang, center, holds a sign at a news conference in Taipei yesterday. Photo: CNA

By Lee I-chia / Staff reporter

With the population in the capital expected to drop below 2.5 million people in the next few months, the Taipei City Government yesterday announced a lottery for residents who get married this year, with a top prize of NT$200,000.

Taipei’s population has been declining in the past few years.

Taipei Department of Civil Affairs data showed that there were 2,597,635 residents in January last year, with the number dropping to 2,524,393 in December last year.

The department in January said that the city’s population is expected to fall below 2.5 million by May or June.

In its announcement, the department said that both people in the marriage must be Taipei residents.

Ten NT$50,000 prizes would be drawn each month for couples married in that month, NT$100,000 prizes would be drawn each season for couples married in that season and 10 NT$200,000 prizes would be drawn for all couples married this year, it said.

Taipei Deputy Mayor Vivian Huang (黃珊珊) said that 11,313 couples registered to marry in the city last year, an average of fewer than 1,000 each month.

Based on that data, the chances of winning a prize would be about 1.3 percent, Huang said.

People who got married in January or last month are eligible for the lottery, the department said, adding that if one of the couple is not a Taipei resident, they can enter the lottery if they change their household registration to Taipei before Friday.

The lottery is the initial step in a plan to increase the city’s population, Huang said.

The second step would be increasing a “baby bonus” and the third would be to enhance housing justice so that young people can afford to live and raise children in Taipei, she said.


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