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《TAIPEI TIMES》 China-Russia parnership ‘contemptible,’ MOFA says

2022/02/06 03:00

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics on Friday. Photo: AFP

/ Reuters, TAIPEI

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) yesterday condemned as “contemptible” the timing of China and Russia’s “no limits” partnership at the start of the Beijing Winter Olympics, saying that the Chinese government was bringing shame to the spirit of the Games.

China and Russia, at a meeting of their leaders hours before the Olympics officially opened, backed each other over standoffs on Ukraine and Taiwan with a promise to collaborate more against the West.

Russia voiced its support for China’s stance that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and opposition to any form of independence for Taiwan.

The foreign ministry said that China’s continued false claims that the nation is part of its territory were exactly the same as the country’s habit of spreading disinformation.

“It not only increases the Taiwanese people’s disgust at and loathing for the Chinese government’s arrogance and bullying, it also clearly shows all the world’s countries the sinister face of the Chinese communist regime’s aggression, expansionism and damaging of peace,” the ministry said.

With the world’s eyes focused on the Winter Olympics and cheering on their athletes, the Chinese government has used the summit with Russia to engage in the expansion of authoritarianism, the ministry added.

“This is an insult to the peaceful spirit embodied by the Olympic Rings, and will be spurned by Taiwan’s people and held in contempt by democratic countries,” it said.

The Olympics, to which Taiwan has sent a small team of four athletes to compete, is happening amid heightened tensions between Taipei and Beijing, with China regularly sending military ships and aircraft into the nation’s air defense identification zone.


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