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《TAIPEI TIMES》 KMT members smash podium to block Su address

2021/10/02 03:00

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers topple the speaker’s podium at the legislature in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Sam Yeh, AFP

By Jason Pan / Staff reporter

Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) yesterday was once again unable to present his policy report to the legislature, after Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers implemented another boycott and smashed up the speaker’s podium in the legislative chamber, preventing the day’s session from proceeding.

KMT lawmakers yesterday morning occupied the tables reserved for members of the Executive Yuan, banged on tables and smashed the table on the speaker’s podium.

They shouted slogans and held up placards that read: “Democratic Progressive Party [DPP] is a dictatorial party” and “Democracy is dead,” while DPP lawmakers faced them with signs that read: “KMT evading its responsibility, stop causing havoc,” “Let the Executive Yuan deliver reports and face questions,” and other messages.

KMT lawmakers were protesting against the government’s COVID-19 policy changes in mid-April that shortened the quarantine periods for cabin crew of national airlines, and what they claim is its refusal to address the consequences of those changes.

In May, domestic COVID-19 infections emerged in northern Taiwan, which eventually led to more than 10,000 cases and 800 deaths nationwide in the following two months.

Many, including the KMT, have linked those cases to a smaller cluster infection involving pilots in late April.

Su yesterday told reporters that Taiwan has been very successful in containing the COVID-19 outbreak.

“The output of the nation’s economy is at its highest level in 11 years,” he added.

“However, the KMT in the legislature is causing a disturbance to impede the government from functioning properly,” he said. “The KMT is also taking away the rights of smaller opposition parties to ask questions about government policies. I do not think the public is happy to see this situation.”

DPP and New Power Party lawmakers also condemned the KMT for “turning the Legislative Yuan into a circus,” and denying the rights of other parties to take part in the legislative session.


Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers topple the speaker’s podium at the legislature in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Sam Yeh, AFP

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers display placards urging “procedural justice” at the legislature in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Sam Yeh, AFP

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