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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Talent shortage hampers military projects: official

2021/08/15 03:00

A model submarine is displayed in the lobby of shipbuilding company CSBC Corp’s headquarters in Kaohsiung on Dec. 29 last year. Photo: Hung Chen-hung, Taipei Times

‘HIGH SALARIES’: Fresh talent is urgently needed in the areas of avionics, shipbuilding, and shipborne weapons and naval platforms design, an official said

By Lo Tien-pin and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writer

A shortage of experts has impeded the development of the military’s indigenous submarine prototype, an advanced trainer jet and an F-16 modernization program, a Ministry of National Defense official said on Friday.

The official made the remarks on condition of anonymity amid an initiative by the ministry to recruit more foreigners with technical expertise to work in Taiwan’s defense sector.

Another source of strain is that foreign technicians and advisers must depart from the country after completing their contract, resulting in constant disruptions, the official said.

The ministry has identified avionics and shipbuilding, as well as shipborne weapons and equipment, and naval platform design, as areas with urgent need of fresh talent, the official said, without elaborating on how much newly hired foreigners would earn and what benefits they would receive.

However, the ministry would try to make their employment packages as attractive as possible, the official added.

“The ministry is offering qualified foreign experts high salaries to make sure that indigenous ship and aircraft programs will meet their delivery schedule, and targets for quality and quantity,” they said.

A preview of the policy showed that foreigners would be allowed to work in the sector if they have a doctorate or equivalent degree in a relevant field, as well as at least five years of experience in military aeronautics or shipbuilding.

The degree requirement would be waived for applicants for positions that Taiwan has problems filling, such as specialists in aviation mechanical or electrical engineering, process engineering, project management, or research and development, it showed.

Also exempt would be specialists with five years of experience in shipborne weapons, equipment and platform design, including performance, structure, propulsion, electrical systems, command and control, auxiliary machinery and outfitting, the document showed.

The positions that could be filled by foreigners would be identified by the ministry or other defense-related agencies based on urgency, it showed.


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