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《TAIPEI TIMES》 China invasion ‘closer than most think’: US admiral

2021/03/25 03:00

US Admiral John Aquilino speaks to reporters at the Pentagon in Washington on June 30, 2016. Photo: AFP


The Chinese threat to invade Taiwan is serious and more imminent than many understand, the US admiral chosen to lead the Pentagon’s Indo-Pacific region said on Tuesday.

China considers taking control of Taiwan its “No. 1 priority,” US Navy Admiral John Aquilino, nominated to become commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, told the US Senate Committee on Armed Services.

“The rejuvenation of the Chinese Communist Party is at stake” with the Taiwan issue, he said.

Aquilino disagreed with recent comments by the outgoing US Indo-Pacific commander, US Navy Admiral Philip Davidson, that China could attempt to take over Taiwan as soon as six years from now.

“My opinion is that this problem is much closer to us than most think and we have to take this on,” he told the panel, which was reviewing his nomination.

Aquilino said that the threat is such that the US needs to implement a proposed US$27 billion plan to boost US defenses in the region “in the near term and with urgency.”

“The Chinese Communist Party has generated some capabilities in the region that are designed to keep us out,” he said. “The most dangerous concern is that of a military force against Taiwan.”

However, Aquilino declined to comment on the suggestion by US Senator Tom Cotton that Beijing could opt to attack Taiwan as early as next year.

Aquilino, currently the head of the US Pacific fleet, said that there are two major concerns if China seized Taiwan: the potential threat to global trade and the damage it would have on the US’ credibility with its Asian allies such as Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.


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