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《TAIPEI TIMES》No open borders; tourism exchanges possible: CECC

2020/05/16 03:00

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung, who heads the Central Epidemic Command Center, announces no new COVID-19 cases — the eighth consecutive day — while displaying eight guavas at the center’s daily news conference yesterday. The fruit’s name, bale, is a homophone for “eight” and “happiness” in Mandarin Chinese. Photo courtesy of the Central Epidemic Command Center via CNA

By Lin Chia-nan / Staff reporter

The nation is reticent to loosen border control measures amid the global risks of the COVID-19 pandemic, but is open to the possibility of tourism exchanges with certain countries, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said yesterday.

The center yesterday reported no new cases of the coronavirus, for the eighth straight day.

The nation’s tally of confirmed cases stood at 440, with seven fatalities and 387 infected people released from isolation facilities after treatment, the center said.

The policy of providing personal information to buy medical masks is to be maintained, but the center is considering relaxing other restrictions, Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung (陳時中), who heads the center, said when asked to comment on mask management.

The government has a handle on the number of masks needed for public and medical use, so it would reserve a specific number, while allowing the rest to be sold or exported, he said.

The Ministry of Finance would outline a mask export policy, he said, adding that mask rules might even be relaxed before July.

Asked whether Taiwan might loosen border controls, restoring international travel and economic activity, Chen said that there is no plan to allow foreigners to enter Taiwan or allow people to travel abroad.

The nation on March 19 banned the entry of all foreign nationals, with the exception of Alien Resident Certificate holders, members of diplomatic or official missions, those honoring a business contract and people granted special permission by Taiwan’s representative office in their home nation.

However, the center and the Ministry of Economic Affairs are discussing opening international commercial activity, Chen said, adding that the economic ministry is to provide the center with a detailed evaluation.

Some countries have discussed promoting tourism between safer regions and Taiwan would like to join that conversation, Chen said.

The promotion of tourism with other countries requires Taiwan to consider many factors, such as how to keep potential COVID-19 carriers out of local communities and whether partner countries could provide transparent information about visitors, he said.

The nation does not yet dare to open its borders, with nearly 4.5 million people infected worldwide and more than 300,000 killed by the virus, Chen said.

While China’s control of its outbreak seems to have improved, underreporting is typical there, which the center must always stay aware of, he added.


A version of the nine stacked frogs sculpture, used to measure the water level at Nantou County’s Sun Moon Lake, wears a mask in a Hakka-style floral print at the lake’s Ita Thao Pier yesterday behind placards marking an eighth consecutive day of no new COVID-19 cases. Photo: Liu Pin-chuan, Taipei Times

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