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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Weather system likely to bring rain to south, east

2018/06/04 03:00

Women use fans to keep themselves cool in the hot weather in Taipei yesterday. Photo: CNA

MONITORING THE CHANGES: It is uncertain whether a tropical depression would strengthen into a storm, the CWB said, adding that it would not directly affect Taiwan

By Shelley Shan / Staff reporter

Chances of rain will be high in southern and eastern Taiwan tomorrow due to humidity brought by a tropical depression system, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) said yesterday.

Two atmospheric systems are developing near Taiwan, bureau data showed.

One is the tropical depression system moving over the South China Sea toward China’s Hainan Province, which might strengthen into a tropical storm today, the bureau said.

It is uncertain whether the system would develop into a tropical storm or how it would move, the bureau said.

The storm, if formed, would be named “Ewiniar,” a storm god worshiped in the Federated States of Micronesia, it said.

The other is a tropical disturbance off the southeast coast of the Philippines, which could develop into a tropical depression today, the bureau said, adding that the disturbance is still forming.

“The tropical depression system and the tropical disturbance would not directly affect Taiwan before Friday. Their paths would depend largely on how strong they become. Their development is highly uncertain,” the bureau said.

Some media outlets had previously reported that the nation would be affected by two tropical storms simultaneously this week — one off the east coast and the other off the west coast.

Between tomorrow and Sunday, the tropical depression system to the south would move north, bringing southerly and southeasterly winds, it said.

The winds would bring in humidity, which would raise the chances of rain in the southern and eastern regions of the nation, it added.

Cloudy skies to isolated thundershowers are forecast in northern and central Taiwan, the bureau said, adding that afternoon showers are expected to be heavier nationwide due to thermal effects.

Rogue waves could appear off the southern and southeastern coast, and around the Hengchun Peninsula, the bureau said.

The west coast would see highs of 33°C to 35°C between today and Wednesday due to a weakening stationary front, former bureau Weather Forecast Center director Daniel Wu (吳德榮) said.

Thursday and Friday would see highs of 35°C to 36°C with isolated afternoon thundershowers in the mountainous areas, Wu said.

There are differences between the tropical depression system and the tropical disturbance in terms of intensity and areas that they could affect, Wu said.

“There are still uncertainties regarding the forecasts of these systems. It is better to continue to monitor the changes in the atmospheric environment before jumping to any conclusions,” Wu said.


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