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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Volatile weather to send mercury down, then up

2018/03/05 03:00

Visitors to Bishan in Taipei’s Neihu District admire the cherry blossoms on the steps approaching Bishan Temple yesterday. The Central Weather Bureau yesterday said that a strong cold air mass is expected to approach Taiwan, following the warm weather of the past few days. Photo: CNA

DOUBLE WHAMMY: A continental cold air mass and a resurgent northeast monsoon could combine to send temperatures down 10°C from the past few days’ highs

By Shelley Shan / Staff reporter

Two waves of cold air forecast to arrive this week could lower minimum temperatures in the north to 11°C, the Central Weather Bureau said yesterday.

People would feel an acute change in the weather, the bureau said, adding that it would feel as if winter had started again.

Bureau weather data showed that the chance of rain today is high nationwide due to the arrival of a weather front which is expected to raise humidity.

Showers and thundershowers are forecast for the north and northeast, while isolated showers and heavy precipitation are forecast for central Taiwan and mountainous areas in the south.

High temperatures during the day could still reach 31°C as the nation remains under the influence of a warm air system, the bureau said, adding that the chances of warm, down-slope foehn winds in Taitung would be high.

Fog and low-hanging clouds could appear on the west coast, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu today, lowering the visibility for drivers and possibly disrupting flights, the bureau said.

However, temperatures could start dropping tonight due to a pickup in the northeast monsoon, the bureau said.

Tomorrow and Wednesday, the northeast monsoon is to cause high temperatures in the north to drop to about 20°C, the bureau said, adding that early morning and nighttime temperatures could slide to 15°C.

Isolated showers are forecast for the windward northern and northeastern regions, the bureau said.

Daily highs in other parts of the nation, on the other hand, would be 23°C to 28°C, with minimum temperatures of 17°C to 20°C, is said, adding that the chance of light rain is high in the mountains in central and southern Taiwan.

Another front would arrive on Thursday, bringing a high chance of showers, and would be followed by the arrival of a continental cold air mass, the bureau said.

With the combined influence of the northeast monsoon and continental cold air, minimum temperatures in the north and northeast could dip to between 11°C and 14°C on Friday and Saturday, it said.

People in the south and on the east coast would see daily lows of 16°C, the bureau said.

It said the rain is expected to ease nationwide on Friday, turning from humid to dry weather.

On Saturday, cloudy to sunny skies are forecast over most of Taiwan, with the exception of isolated showers in the east and southeast, the bureau said.

The monsoon and the cold air mass are expected to gradually weaken from Sunday to Tuesday next week, causing temperatures to once again rise, the bureau said.


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