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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Government to spend NT$45bn on Penghu: Lai

2017/10/08 03:00

Premier William Lai, center, rides an electric scooter in Penghu County yesterday. Photo: CNA

TOURIST DESTINATION: The premier reiterated the central government’s goal of turning the island into a tourism hot spot powered mostly by ‘green’ energy

/ Staff writer, with CNA

The central government is to invest a total of NT$45 billion (US$1.48 billion) by 2025 to make Penghu a “green” energy-powered county, Premier William Lai (賴清德) said yesterday during a visit to the island county.

Lai reiterated the commitment of President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) administration to implement environmentally friendly measures such as the use of alternative energy sources in Penghu during his visit to check on its promotion of electric scooters.

The premier said in a speech that the central government initiated a project in 2012 to turn Penghu into a world-class low-carbon-footprint island devoted to tourism and has invested NT$8.09 billion in the project over the past five years.

The government is to spend an additional NT$19 billion by 2020 to develop infrastructure in the county, and add another NT$18 billion in investment afterward to bring the total to NT$45 billion by 2025, Lai added.

The goal is to power every household in Penghu with renewable energy sources, he said.

Lai also pledged an additional NT$1.2 billion in spending to help with advertising and getting Penghu ready to host the annual meeting of the Club of the Most Beautiful Bays in the World in September and October next year.


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