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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 Suspects in alleged dialysis treatment scam quizzed

2016/02/03 03:00

By Jake Chung / Staff writer, with CNA

Suspects in an alleged Taichung-based scam linked to reported investment in dialysis treatment in China were yesterday called in for questioning by the local branch of the Ministry of Justice’s Investigation Bureau.

Bureau officials in Taichung said an investigation was launched in June last year when it was noticed that multiple fundraising events were being held nationwide for an investment offer linked to dialysis treatment in China that promised a two-year return.

The bureau said its investigation found suspicious cash flows in the bank accounts of the primary suspect, surnamed Cheng (程), who despite lacking credentials as a physician, had apparently established dummy companies nationwide that hosted information sessions about the alleged investment opportunity.

The investigation found that Cheng allegedly grouped individuals together to raise NT$500,000 to NT$1 million (US$14,856 to US$29,691) to purchase hemodialysis machines that were to be leased to Chinese hospitals.

The bureau said investors were reportedly guaranteed dividends ranging from NT$10,000 to NT$20,000 per month, with the initial investment to be repaid within two years.

The bureau said more than 120 agents and officials on Monday conducted simultaneous searches of 19 locations under the organization’s name and confiscated more than NT$10 million in cash, four cars, an unknown quantity of diamonds, luxury watches, gold coins and bars and expensive wine.

The NT$60 million in the organization’s bank accounts has been frozen, the bureau said.

It said more than 1,000 people are believed to have invested in the scheme and a total of NT$3 billion was collected.

Cheng and the others are being questioned over alleged violations of the Banking Act (銀行法), the bureau said.


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