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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》Taipei sets up additional shelters for the homeless

2016/01/24 03:00

A road on Datunshan in Taipei is filled with cars yesterday as people hope to catch a glimpse of snow. Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

By Sean Lin / Staff reporter

With temperatures plunging across the nation, the Taipei Department of Social Welfare yesterday set up two cold weather shelters for the homeless to offer them protection against the elements.

The department said it has established a temporary shelter near Taipei Railway Station and another one in Wanhua District (萬華) — where homeless people often gather — to prevent casualties.

The two shelters were set up to complement a shelter for homeless people in New Taipei City’s Jhonghe District (中和), as well as a vocational training center in Datong District (大同).

All four facilities are to provide 24-hour accommodation and serve hot food, including steamed buns, a snack known as the eight treasures congee, bread and instant noodles until Monday, Social Work Division head Hsu Hui-ying (徐慧英) said.

Department employees yesterday visited the homeless in the two areas who declined to stay at the facilities and handed out coats, sleeping bags and hand warmers.

The Taipei Department of Information and Tourism also announced that, with the help of the Taipei Hotel Association, 10 hotels had agreed to offer free accommodation to homeless people.

The department said it was the first time it had requested the help of hotels to shelter the homeless.

Netizens lauded the measures adopted by the two agencies and gave Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) the credit.

However, Ko said he was not responsible for introducing the policy, which was in place before he took over as mayor.

Hsu said that the agency always establishes such shelters when temperatures drop below 12°C.


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