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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 Cabinet unveils economic stimulus package

2015/10/31 03:00

An Executive Yuan official displays a chart yesterday in Taipei, announcing subsidies to the public for purchasing electronics, telecommunication services and so on for the next three months to encourage consumption. Photo: CNA

/ Staff writer with CNA

The Executive Yuan yesterday announced a series of short-term stimulus measures, including subsidies for the purchase of energy-efficient home appliances and for domestic travel, in a bid to boost the nation’s flagging economy.

The package, which is to be effective from Nov. 7 to Feb. 29, also includes a subsidy for those who replace their 2G cellphones with 4G smartphones.

The measures were announced by Premier Mao Chi-kuo (毛治國) at a press conference, which was attended by Vice Premier Simon Chang (張善政) and other top officials.

It is estimated that the package would cost the government NT$4 billion (US$121.9 million) and add NT$1.54 billion to GDP. Money needed for the measures would come from the Cabinet’s special reserve fund, so legislative approval is not required.

The measures include a subsidy of NT$2,000 per person for the purchase of air conditioners, refrigerators, television sets or water heaters certified as having Grade 1 or Grade 2 energy-efficiency performance.

The NT$2,000 subsidy is also available to people who buy water-saving toilets or washing machines.

Mobile phone users who upgrade from 2G to 4G networks will receive a NT$2,000 subsidy for the purchase of a 4G smartphone and a monthly subsidy of NT$200, for up to three months, to help pay their mobile phone bills. Up to 1.3 million 2G users can benefit.

Broadband Internet users who upgrade to a 12M/3M service or faster will receive a monthly subsidy of between NT$200 and NT$300 for up to three months.

In addition, the Ministry of Economic Affairs will cooperate with operators of online shopping sites to promote Taiwan-made products.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications is to launch various programs to promote domestic tourism, including discounts for domestic hotel accommodation and theme park visits.

The measures were announced the same day the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics released data showing that the economy shrank 1.01 percent last quarter.

The figure was the lowest since the second quarter of 2009, when the economy contracted 1.24 percent from a year earlier amid the global financial crisis.


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