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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 Mayor-elect Ko Wen-je names his first deputy

2014/12/01 03:00

Taipei mayor-elect Ko Wen-je holds a daruma doll given to him by supporters living in Japan as he leaves his home in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

CAMPAIGN TACTICS: The director of the independent campaign said the team had devised a plan to uncover a group suspected of leaking information and exploit it

By Loa Iok-sin / Staff reporter

Independent Taipei mayor-elect Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) yesterday announced that former New Taipei City Environmental Protection Department director Teng Chia-chi (鄧家基) is to serve as one of his deputy mayors when he is sworn in later this month.

“The first deputy mayor will be Teng, who was recommended by [Ko’s executive campaign director] Yao Li-ming (姚立明),” Ko said. “Teng has served as a [Taipei] city councilor, so he will be able to help me negotiate with councilors from the pan-blue camp. Teng is also an expert in environmental protection.”

The Taipei City Government has three deputy mayor posts.

Ko said that he never had any trouble sleeping during the campaign, but he could not fall asleep on Saturday night after his victory was confirmed.

“I could not fall asleep thinking about all the things I have to take care of now,” Ko said.

Teng confirmed later yesterday that he had accepted Ko’s invitation to serve as a deputy mayor.

He said that, having served as a Taipei city councilor affiliated with the New Party, he would work to be a bridge between the city council and the city government.

“I will discuss policies from the city government with councilors, and they can forward the needs of their respective constituencies to the city government through me,” Teng said.

“I think we will have good communication,” he added.

Separately, when speaking with the media yesterday, Yao said that besides Teng, Ko is “hunting” for people to take the other two deputy mayor posts.

“Ko is also seeking advice from Democratic Progressive Party Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) on a candidate for deputy mayor from the pan-green camp who could help to facilitate communication between the city government and pan-green city councilors,” Yao said.

Yao said he believes the most difficult part of the job for Ko will be to communicate with the city council and the central government, “but I am confident he can do a very good job, since he was able to manage a campaign team with hundreds of people from different backgrounds so well.”

Yao also compared the campaign strategies used by Ko with those of his Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei rival Sean Lien (連勝文), saying that Lien lost because he picked the wrong campaign direction.

“From the beginning, we wanted to have a campaign that was beyond the pan-blue, pan-green political divide, but Lien’s camp wanted a campaign based on that division,” Yao said.

“Lien’s camp tried to lure us into their battle, and we tried to stay out of one,” he added.

However, Yao admitted that Ko’s campaign got sucked into the conflict when the Lien camp accused Ko of money laundering through National Taiwan University Hospital account MG149.

“We put many resources into vindicating Ko, but then I realized it was a trap and decided to pull out,” Yao said. “That is why we later downplayed it and continued with our parades and carnivals, especially when our poll results from mid-October onward showed we were steadily extending our lead.”

As for the issue of leaking information, Yao said that Ko tried to ascertain the source of the leak in his office by handing five different documents to different groups of people suspected of being informants.

“We then knew which group of people leaked the information,” Yao said.

From that point on, Ko’s campaign avoided handing classified information to the suspected leakers — unless they meant to pass on false information to the rival camp, he said.


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