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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 Ting Hsin quits oil, to donate NT$3bn

2014/10/17 03:00

Ting Hsin International Group chairman Wei Ying-chiao, left, and senior executive Wei Ying-chun, right, bow in apology for the company’s involvement in the ongoing food safety scandal at a press conference in Taipei yesterday. Photo: CNA

SUSPECT: Former Wei Chuan Foods Corp chairman Wei Ying-chun was questioned about the tainted oil scandal at the Changhua District Prosecutors’ Office last night

By Amy Su and Jason Pan / Staff reporters

Ting Hsin International Group (頂新國際集團) yesterday said it would withdraw from the oil-manufacturing market and donate NT$3 billion (US$98.65 million) to the government to atone for the food safety scandal.

The group made the announcement following days of turmoil caused by its subsidiary Cheng I Food Co Ltd (正義) after it added oils meant for animal feed to its cooking oil products.

“Under the current sentiment to boycott Ting Hsin, no matter what we do we understand it would not be enough to regain the trust of the public,” Wei Ying-chiao (魏應交) — chairman of Taiwan Star Telecom Corp (台灣之星) and one of the four brothers who run the group — told a press conference in Taipei.

He said the group had decided to close its oil-manufacturing businesses in Taiwan and take full responsibility for the latest cooking oil scandal, pledging to fully refund and compensate consumers for any damage caused.

The Wei family has invited Taiwanese tycoon Samuel Yin (尹衍樑) to lead a new food safety committee set up by the group, hoping that Yin and other professionals can objectively evaluate the nation’s food safety loopholes as a way to revive public confidence in Ting Hsin, Wei Ying-chiao said.

“After the establishment of the committee, Ting Hsin will have more time to deal with its own management problems,” Yin told the press conference, without elaborating.

Yin is chairman of Ruentex Group (潤泰集團), the operator of RT-Mart (大潤發) hypermarkets in Taiwan and China. His business interests range from textiles, construction and retail sales to life insurance.

Wei Ying-chun (魏應充), former chairman of Cheng I, Ting Hsin Oil and Fat Industrial Co (頂新製油實業) and Wei Chuan Foods Corp (味全食品工業), was also present at the press conference, but he did not say a word.

After the press conference, Wei Ying-chun was taken to the Changhua District Prosecutors’ Office for questioning.

Prosecutors have listed Wei Ying-chun as a suspect in the scandal.

Wei Ying-chun arrived at the office in Changhua at about 8:40pm last night and was taken through a back door by officials.

Earlier yesterday, authorities conducted searches at Ting Hsin’s headquarters in Taipei 101, at the company’s product testing facilities and properties owned by the Wei family.

Coordinated by the Taiwan High Prosecutors’ Office, officials from local district prosecutors’ offices searched the offices of Wei Chuan Foods Corp (味全食品) in Taipei, the company’s food research center in Hsichih District (汐止), New Taipei City, the company’s food product analysis and testing center and Wei’s residence in the luxury apartment complex The Palace (帝寶) in Taipei.

Prosecutors took away several cartons of evidence. Among the documents seized were the accounts of Wei Chuan Foods, along with sales orders and purchase receipts, officials said.

During the search at Wei Chuan Foods, Changhua prosecutors briefly questioned a number of high-level executives to clarify details related to the food scandal.


A prosecutor holds a box of documents seized during a search of Wei Chuan Foods Corp’s headquarters in Taipei yesterday as part of their investigation into the ongoing food scandal. Photo: CNA

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