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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 TAINTED OIL SCANDAL: Pingtung prosecutors say implicated man could flee

2014/09/06 03:00

Kuo Lieh-cheng, center, the main suspect in the tainted oil scandal, is questioned by a prosecutor and a worker from Pingtung County Government’s Public Health Bureau in Pingtung on Monday. Photo: CNA

By Jason Pan / Staff writer, with CNA

The Pingtung District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday lodged an appeal to detain the main suspect in the tainted oil scandal, after he was released on NT$50,000 (US$1,670) bail the previous day.

Prosecutors said Kuo Lieh-cheng (郭烈成), who owns a company that allegedly provided Chang Guann Co (強冠企業) with tainted oil products, is likely planning to flee to avoid prosecution, because after he was released on bail, he reportedly withdrew all of the funds from a bank account he owns, a sum of NT$860,000.

The hearing at the Kaohsiung Branch of the Taiwan High Court was still ongoing as of press time.

Kuo’s release on bail, as granted by the Pingtung District Court, has caused a public furor due to the severity and scope of the food scare, which has affected a wide range of supplier companies, food manufacturers and restaurants across the nation.

Pingtung District Prosecutors’ Office head prosecutor Yang Wan-li (楊婉莉) said Kuo violated the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation (食品安全衛生管理法), with fraudulent practices and sales of adulterated food products.”

“He is the prime suspect in the case, which has caused much harm to society. Therefore we are appealing that the bail decision and have requested Kuo be detained immediately,” Yang said.


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