《中英對照讀新聞》Dalai Lama Hopes Trump, Putin Will Work together for Global Peace 達賴喇嘛希望川普、普廷為全球和平攜手合作
達賴喇嘛於週六在新德里發表這段評論。他表示,這世界正往和平與非暴力邁進,而且他希望川普和普廷會更加接近,一起致力創造全球和平。 (歐新社)
The Dalai Lama said he hopes that U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will work together for global peace. The exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists said the world needed leaders with compassion.
The Dalai Lama made the remarks Saturday in New Delhi. He said the world is moving toward peace and non-violence, and he hopes Trump and Putin will come closer and work toward creating global peace.
The Dalai Lama had said in Mongolia in November that he had ’no worries’ about Trump’s election as US president and looked forward to meeting him after he took office. He has always regarded the US as the leader of the ’free world’ and wasn’t concerned about remarks made by Trump during the election campaign.
The Dalai Lama has met former US presidents, including four meetings with Obama. Such meetings anger Beijing, which accuses him of trying to split Tibet from China.
exiled:形容詞,放逐的,流亡的。例句:Beijing views exiled dissidents as a dangerous threat.(北京視流亡的異議份子為危險威脅。)
compassion:名詞,同情心,慈悲心。例句:The nurse had great compassion for her patients. (這名護士對她的病人很有同情心。)
take office:動詞片語,就任,上台。例句:The leader took office at a difficult time.(該名領袖在艱難的時刻就任。)