
MLB》費南德茲猝逝 前女友感言令人揪心

2016/09/29 10:08

〔體育中心/綜合報導〕馬林魚王牌費南德茲(Jose Fernandez)今舉辦告別式,親人與隊友陪他走完最後一程。曾經與他交往三年的前女友,近日也在社群網站發表感言。

「心碎的感覺是難以承受的。」費南德茲前女友門多薩(Carla Mendoza)表示,她很幸運自己曾經愛過費南德茲,與他共度過3年瘋狂與美麗的時光,「沒有一天我是不愛他或是不想他的。」

門多薩也向費南德茲的現任女朋友阿里亞斯(Maria Arias),還有他們的孩子致意,「希望大家紀念費南德茲時,也能尊重他的女兒與她的母親,這對她們來說太痛了。」

My deepest love goes out to those who saw jose as more than an athlete, but as a passionate, raw human being. The heart break is unbearable. There was so much more to him than anyone could even begin to understand. I'm fortunate enough to have loved and be loved by jose, and his family, for over 3 crazy beautiful years. Thank you so much to everyone who's reached out to me, it truly means a lot. Nothing will make this time easy for anyone and if you do one thing today, let it be that you tell those close to you how much you love them. Not one day will pass by that I don't think about him or love him. Jose never went one moment without knowing how much support and love he had from those close to him. My heart goes out to Maria, as she is expecting his child. Please honor Joses memory by respecting his daughter and her mother as I'm sure this is all too painful for her as well.

Carla Mendoza(@carliitaswayy)張貼的相片 於 張貼

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