中英對照讀新聞》Long-lost Klimt portrait auctioned off for 30 mn euros 失蹤很久的克林姆肖像作品以3000萬歐元賣出

象徵主義派畫家克林姆作品「利瑟小姐肖像」,在奧地利拍賣行im Kinsky拍賣。(路透)
A painting by Gustav Klimt that reappeared after nearly a century sold for 30 million euros on Wednesday, setting a record price for an Austrian auction despite questions surrounding its provenance.
Hong Kong gallery HomeArt snapped up the "Bildnis Fraeulein Lieser", which was commissioned by a wealthy Jewish industrialist’s family and painted by the symbolist master Klimt in 1917 shortly before he died.
The unfinished portrait of a dark-haired woman was likely last seen at a Viennese exhibition in 1925 until it reemerged this year when Viennese auction house im Kinsky announced its sale.
這幅描繪一名黑髮女子的未完成肖像,上一次為人所見是1925年在維也納一場展覽上,之後一直到今年維也納拍賣行im Kinsky宣布這項拍賣活動時,才再度出現。
Im Kinsky had estimated the value at 30-50 million euros but said reports questioning the work’s provenance discouraged buyers. (AFP)
Im Kinsky原本估計這幅畫價值在3000萬到5000萬歐元之間,但這家拍賣行說,質疑這幅作品出處的報導,令買家卻步。(法新社)
auction off:片語,拍賣出去。例句:We auctioned off our art collection to raise money for charity.(我們拍賣我們的藝術收藏品,為慈善活動募款。)
snap up:片語,很快速地搶購。例句:The tickets for the concert were all snapped up as soon as they went on sale.(這場演唱會的票一開賣就被搶購一空。)