中英對照讀新聞》Working parents’ woes deepen as schools shut down again 學校再次關閉 在職父母的麻煩加深

Working parents of kindergarten and elementary school students are struggling again to find suitable childcare options, as all schools in the Seoul metropolitan area have been ordered to move classes online until Sept. 11.
Although the measure was in response to the recent surge in the number of infections among students, teachers and other education workers, remote learning poses a burden to working parents as younger children are less likely to stay focused on lectures for a longer time.
The only option for working parents is sending their children to "emergency child care" classes, set up at schools for kindergarteners and younger elementary students who are in need of care during the day.
woe:名詞,困難、災難、不幸、悲痛、麻煩、問題。例句:She told her mother all her woes.(她向她母親傾訴所有苦惱。)
working:形容詞,(有)工作的、初步(暫定)的、堪用的、運作的。例句:These tax changes will affect 90 percent of the working population.(這些稅負措施將影響90%的勞動人口。)
suitable:形容詞,適宜的、合適的、恰當的。例句:The book was expurgated to make it suitable for children.(這本書經過刪改,以適合兒童閱讀。)